MIB Global Chat – Studying in the heart of Europe: What did I learn.

Studying in the heart of Europe

A double degree enhances students’ skills and knowledge and enables them to work across multiple disciplines and industries with ease. Also, a double qualification will help students stand out from other graduates in the job market. These opportunities to study at a different university and in a different country are a fantastic chance to learn a new language and earn a diploma from a recognized university abroad, something which is particularly useful if you want to work abroad in the country you end up studying in the heart of Europe.

EAFIT University recognizes all these benefits and therefore offers multiple double degrees with many universities all around the world. In the Master of International Business (MIB) the amazing double degree with Strasbourg stands out, characterized by the effort to train competent, responsible and agile managers, ready to find their place in global society and to develop a management vector of performance. The program focuses on the practical application of the principles of international management. The full range of management disciplines such as marketing, finance, and human resources are covered, as well as essential values in international business such as ethics, sustainability, and diversity.

EM Strasbourg Business School is a French business school created in 1919 in Strasbourg. Since 2000 it is one of the elite Grands Écoles in France, ranking among the top 17 business schools in the nation. It is the only French Business School to operate under the umbrella of a traditional University: The University of Strasbourg.  Every year, EM Strasbourg Business School hosts around 500 exchange students within the framework of our cooperation agreements with over 230 partner universities worldwide.  With the main mission of training students in an international environment to be effective business managers with global awareness. 

EM Strasbourg is characterized by letting its international students choose their own program that fits each need. Therefore, you will be able to customize the program according to your own personal career plan and you can also choose the language in which you want to take the classes.

Finally, Strasbourg is the capital and largest city of the Grand Est region of France. Located at the border with Germany in the historic region of Alsace. Marked by its history, profoundly bicultural, Strasbourg boasts an exceptional architectural heritage. The city’s rich architectural heritage embraces styles from the Medieval, Renaissance, Romantic, and Art Nouveau eras. The reflections of half-timbered houses with sloping roofs, reminiscent of those seen in fairytales, recur in the many waterways surrounding and running through the city. The cost of living can vary depending on how much you can afford, but in general, there are many options for the cost of living, affordable locations, many scholarships, and many transportation options.

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EAFIT – EM Strasbourg: Studying in the heart of Europe

Master of International Business (MIB)


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