Secrets of Corporate Transformation

Our grandparents lived in times of much more stability. Things changed as well back then, but at a very different pace. Nor did these changes have an almost immediate impact on the entire world. Now they are potentially touching the lives of millions or even billions of people.

Today we go to bed at night and it may be that in the morning our company is threatened by a new product or service launched at night by a company across the world.

Changes in our environment require a change in our organization and OURSELVES. Leo Tolstoy said: “Everyone thinks about changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing himself”. It is true, but how can we break this paradigm and achieve necessary changes? In this article, published on LinkedIn, I identify and explain the dynamics of these changes and corporate transformations. “Secrets of organizational change: Be the change you want to see in your organization.”

Leave your comments and experiences about the secrets of successful corporate transformation.

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